Deryk Houston

Artist in Victoria, BC. Canada

The National Film Board of Canada: Featured Deryk Houston in the documentary, “From Baghdad to Peace Country”

His work is in the permanent collection of the Canadian war Museum in Ottawa. (On the recommendation of the National Gallery of Canada)

He represented the city of Vancouver, BC., in a solo exhibition of his work in the former Soviet Union.



Deryk at Ogden Point, Victoria, BC. (photo by Elizabeth)

Woodwynn Peace Garden at Woodwynn Farms, a therapeutic community for the homeless. The Peace Garden includes a labyrinth with herbs, fruits and vegetables incorporated.

I am currently featured at Art Works Gallery in Vancouver BC Canada.
And the Greater Victoria Art Gallery rental program.

CNN Iran’s civilian nuclear ambitions

It was interesting to watch CNN’s John King interview Gates on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Mr King dropped the ball by not questioning the comments made by Gates who said that Iran would have no other reason to build a nuclear facility underground unless it was for military purposes. King should have pointed out that Iran has every incentive to build a civilian nuclear facility underground because Israel and the United States have said repeatedly that they have every intention to bomb Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities that are above ground if Iran does not agree to having it’s nuclear fuel supplied by the Russians. King also did not ask why the American’s would demand Iran to rely on another country for it’s vital nuclear fuel supply to run it’s civilian reactors when America or Britain or France or Israel would never give up that right themselves. Why do they expect Iran to do it. The level of hate and misinformation is very much the same as when everyone was saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Now we have the same misinformation and hate being spilled over Iran and it will take us down the same path of misery. Severe sanctions leading to nothing but hardship for millions of civilians culminating in bombing runs and huge numbers of civilian deaths.There has already been talk of using strategic nuclear tipped warheads to knock out Iran’s facilities with predictions of severe ejections of nuclear contaminated materials sickening the civilian population in Iran. I urge everyone to call CNN and ask them to stop spreading this kind of fear. Ask our leaders to stop imposing conditions on another country that they would never accept on themselves.

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